Monday, February 23, 2009

47 days

Friday was a 5km run with a km to and from the school where I train so perhaps 7km was unwise before Saturdays long run. We'd measured out a 10km route around the eastern suburbs of Pretoria and I'm afraid to say that it seems to be impossible to find a flattish route. I don't suppose that is a bad thing as Southern Cross Drive is apparently a bit of a nightmare. Saturday morning's 2 hour run was less than pleasant. I think the 7km not more than 12hrs before and the meds that I'd taken in the morning made the run pretty tough.

I think now that my docs taken me off some of the meds I'll have to think of when to dose myself. I intend to take meds on Friday nights instead of Saturday morning, so that I haven't gone 24 hours without meds by the next morning, but also so that I am still slightly protected. Otherwise i'll continue taking them in the morning and training in the evening, this way they have worn off enough to allow me a good session.

Here is Friday's data I haven't quite worked out where the correct recovery level is and it's a bit frustrating on the uphills because my I struggle to get my heartrate down enough to start the interval again. So I'll be playing around with that.
For Saturday's run my monitor was giving trouble again so I don't have any data and simply trained according to 45sec vs 1:30 (workout/recovery) intervals. We did ran the 10km in 80min but decided we were both too tired to complete another 40min of running, so we decided to walk the last 40min, which I think was a good call.

I had a hard time this weekend deciding what to do about my faulty heartrate monitor. Mine is about 5 years old, and there are new Polar watches that do alsorts of other fancy functions, not to mention the Garmin watches that give you perfect route, speed and distance readings. However common sense prevailed :( and I settled for just getting another sensor to interface with my current watch which does the job as well as I could hope.

Anyway all counted this week was 39km! Not too shabby!

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