Monday, June 30, 2008

Another week another month

This month has been particularly good to me, I think the cold dry weather really helps me to cope better. When I compare how I felt in summertime to how I feel now, the difference is huge.

This month has been my best yet! If I run 6km this evening, which I will, then my monthly total will be 88km! I'm normally running 6km per training session at the moment and I'm trying to do a 10km every 3 weekends. Sometimes this doesn't work out. I wanted to do one next weekend but was roped into helping out with the race as our club is hosting. So I ended up doing a "slow" 10km yesterday morning. What was really cool was that I really had thought it would be a slow one, like 90mins total. Even with a 2min rest interval and a running time of 45s the total time for the 10km was 79mins.

Upcoming runs/races/events that are already planned are: the 702 Walk the Talk 30km walk, and the Spar 10km Ladies race. But there will need to be a few more 10km soon and then I will need to look at 10-15km races aswell, so that I can get closer to the 21km mark. However considering yesterday's run, I'm sure that I would be able to maintain that pace for a long time and that would mean finishing a 21 in 2:46. I think the cutoff time for the 2 oceans half marathon is 3hrs, but if I'm wrong and it's 2,5hrs then I think I should be able to get to a pace that I can maintain to acheive that time quite easily. I must just make sure I can do the distance.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A week away from the office

I spent most of this week in the county's "playground" Durban. It was cold and wet and there were an unbelievable number of traffic lights out of order! But Durban is great as it seems to have no traffic, atleast nothing compared to the M3 in Cape Town or the N1 between Joburg and Pretoria.

I was there to run a robotics competition for school kids. On the whole it was alright, and the competition was mostly a success. I think next year will be much better if we are kept on as the technical team.

Whats the point? I don't travel and exercise well. Luckily this time it was only 1 run missed. I felt really shoddy on Friday after a late Thursday night prize giving and a 6:30 flight back to Gauteng, but I went intending only to walk 4km but ended up being encouraged to do a normal 6km. As usual I felt much better afterwards.

So after a "mamoth" 25km week last week I only managed a measly 12 this week, but considering I was clocking 12 a week 3 months ago, as I was only doing 4km three times a week it's still pretty cool.

I still can't get my "Running Total" updated as I still haven't properly sorted out my log book. There are certain days on which I'm not sure I ran, I can't remember not running, but I can't be sure. Anyway thats pretty much all I have this week. I think I must find another 10km to do on the 5th of July and I must definitely enter the Spar ladies 10km... cause it's fun.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Good one!

So I ran the "Silver Oaks Crossing : Race for faith" 9.3km this morning. When I got out of bed I could have sworn I was insane, when I got out of the car into the crisp... no crisp sounds too nice... the biting morning air, I knew I deserved to be in an asylumn, but 7:30 came, really late for the start of a race and we ran it.

My watch beeped away merrily and kept us well paced. I'm currently runnning intervals of 40/60 seconds, thats 40 running and 60 walking. The combined pace is quite good at 7:13, about 67mins for the 9.3km. I'm quite happy with that, if the race was another 700m long I probably would have made it in about 72/73mins. Which I think is a significant improvement on 76mins.

I'm unable to write a proper log this week and haven't been able for a while as my log book went missing. I think I've figured out what happened. It fell out of my bag while I was on my motorbike. Luckily it's quite new so not much data is lost.

I recieved a "1000km with Run Walk For Life" certificate at a little prize giving on Wednesday, which considering everything I think is quite fantastic. More than 600km of it has been in the past year. The other distance was from when I was less enthusiastic in Cape Town.

I'm going through a bit of an "up" at the moment, I'm feeling strong and "fast" and I feel like I'm definitely going to get there. Running a 10km and not really being tired afterwards just lets me know that I'm doing this thing right and not hurting myself. I think I want to do atleast 2 more 10km runs and then I will give a 15km a try. We are currently running 6km three times a week and will probably push that up to 7km in the next month or two. Then I think I'll be happy that I can do a little more than double that in a race.

Sorry if I'm rambling, but I'm just putting some thoughts down. I'm a little frustrated with my watch at the moment. My Polar S610i, which I think is a fantastic training watch on the whole, lets me down in races. I set intervals so that I can move at a comfortable pace. Unfortunately it seems that it can only handle 30 interval repetitions! So after 50 minutes (30 * 100 seconds) my watch decides it is time for me to cool down. So I have to stop it completely and restart! This not only stuffs up my intervals but also messes up my full race time! I wrote to Polar to find out if there is a fix, I'll post what the result is.

What else I can tell you is that including this morning I did 25.3km this week and from now on I should be doing about 18km a week, which I find to be quite hectic. Thats my two cents worth for now, I hope to update my "Running Total" with an accurate number as soon as I have replaced my log book. I think it should be at about 700km by now though.