I went for an "unscheduled" run this passed Saturday, a friend is going to be in Europe while the local branch of his company does a fun run, so he's got a bee in his bonnet that he needs to get fit. Anyway I went for the run on Saturday evening and well my heartrate jumped up to 180+ and refused to stay down if I ran at all! I still ran intervals, but from then it was clear that my heart was no longer in sinus rythm. Once again I can't identify one cause but I know what the joint causes probably are. This time I'm not sure it's worth going for a cardioversion, but if nothing changes by this coming Monday I'll give the doctor a call. So thats got me feeling pretty bleak, I had kindof gotten used to the idea of having a heart that beats regularly and I was really looking forward to getting off Warfarin. Believe it or not I think perhaps part of it is the lack of regular exercise recently so maybe if I build myself up again gently things will fall into place again.
The other side of the coin is that my masters is going really well, it feels like I'm making very good regular progress and the light at the end of the tunnel is definitely shining brighter. There are a few wrinkles that still need to be ironed out but it seems like the learning curve is getting gentler. As for my writeup well thats stagnated for a few days, but my supervisor has promised to add to the incentive by hounding me for a chapter every week. Whats more he discussed with my boss that I should get half of my day to writeup, so there will really be no excuse! I think I might still need to do a lot of work at home tho, cause that feels right and I'd really like to have this done sooner than later.
Just to let you know, I am still checking up on your progress...
Thanks Marli! :)
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