Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Just an update

Since January my BMI has droppped to 23.2 and I weigh in at about 67kg. I've been ill for the past few weeks so I've not really done much exercise and have probably not eaten quite as I should. Before that I was up to 9 pullups. I'll need to do a bit of work to get there again, but I'm having no trouble slowly shedding the last bit of weight.

I'm dancing 2 or 3 times a week now, depending on socials on Fridays and I'm about to start playing a weekly game of Volleyball (Primal Law 6 - Play).


Jacana said...

Hope you are going to share more of the primal rules.

Mark said...

I can certainly do that, I try to follow the Primal Blueprint. Can share some as I write other articles. Thanks for the prompt