Friday, June 24, 2011

On the road again

I stopped going to gym when my contract ran out. I didn't do much exercise for a while after that, except for a little walking and running around work. Anyway I'm thinking of training for another 21 with my girlfriend, except this time I'm gonna do it with about 10kg less wait. I've been losing weight for about 6 weeks now and am down by more than 5kg from 79.9 to 74.2, I'm hoping to get to a goal weight of 77.5kg. We are currently doing an 8 week program to running 5km. I'm hoping with new meds and less weight I will actually be able to run for longer at a time. We'll see how I feel, I'm still being very careful, watching my heart rate and listening to my body.


Anonymous said...

Good luck......this time in 2 hours?

Mark said...

haaahaaa, Ja right, lets try for 2.5 hours first. Baby steps!