Thursday, April 30, 2009

In the beginning... there was Word... but I prefer LaTex

I've officially started my writeup! Well actually I wrote the very first words a few weeks ago. My supervisor suggested I put together a Table of Contents to get my thoughts into order. I know theres a better way to do this... write up as you go! If I ever do ANOTHER degree thats definitely what I will do.

I managed to write about 2 pages tonight, and to add a few more things to my contents page. I also started adding people to my acknowledgements and adding items to my Appendices. I wrote my undergrad thesis in Word and I found it a nightmare and vowed that if I ever did it again I'd use LaTex. Ok, so I didn't but I did know before starting this degree that I would!

I really dig it, it's more of a programming language than a word processor. You need to tell it explicitly what you want it to do, which may sound rather daunting to anyone who hasn't programmed before, but it's not that difficult to learn. What do you get for the extra bit of effort? EFFORTLESS compiling of your document, no worrying about getting things to look right, or fonts changing mysteriously. If you need to insert a figure, everything below your figure doesn't change it's formatting. Whats better, if at the last minute you were to decide that you really DO need that introduction, theres no going through your document checking that all the numbering changed correctly or that the figure references are correct. LaTex does that all for you.

Anyway, thats my 2 cents worth about LaTex, perhaps I won't be as happy with it after 100 pages! Nevertheless it feels good to have made a start... anyone think I'm wasting time blogging about this? Should I rather be writing up?


Rene Benthien said...

Any idea on what's the best way to stick Latex on a Blogger blog?

Mark said...

Hi Rene,
I would try looking for a latex/Tex to html converter. I just googled it and there were many hits, so give that a try. I can't give you any more advice as I've never tried it myself.