Tuesday, March 17, 2009

25 days

I went for what was supposed to be a run today, to check out my knee, but it ended up being mostly a pretty slow walk, so I won't show a graph, my heart is still in sinus rythm.

Unfortunately I think I've been a little too relaxed on my salt intake the passed few days, or perhaps theres a side effect of amiodarone that I'm not aware of. When I try and exert myself it feels a little like I've been punched in the stomach, which is usually how I feel when I'm retaining water due to salt intake, except this time I can't really remember when I've eaten food that was too salty.

I'll take an extra diuretic this evening and hopefully it will be better tomorrow. I might go for a run tomorrow if i get the time, to catch up and properly check my knee out.

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